How to Identify a Song in YouTube Video? – 7 Quick Ways

Finding ways to identify a song in Youtube Video?

Let’s say you just watched a Youtube video and love the song used in the background. You want to listen to or use the song but couldn’t be able to identify the music.

So, how do you find the song used in a Youtube video?

Stop wondering.

In this article, I’m going to discuss 7 quick ways to identify a song in a Youtube video.

Let’s find out how to do that.

How to Identify a Song in YouTube Video

Here are 7 easy and free ways to identify a song in Youtube videos:

1.Check the YouTube Video Description

This is by far the easiest way to identify a song in a Youtube video.

It sounds obvious.

But most people don’t check the Youtube video description to find the name of the song or music used in the video.

I can’t blame them. Because sometimes Youtube video descriptions have no information about the song used in the video.

But most professional Youtubers mention the music or song used in their videos in the description of that video.

So, make sure to check the Youtube video description to identify the song.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Open the Youtube video for which you want to identify the music.
  • Click on ‘Show more‘ link in the description to get the full details.
Find a song in youtube video by checking the description
Check the Youtube video description
  • Look for ‘Music by‘ or ‘Song Name‘ line in the description to identify the song in Youtube video.
Look for 'Music by' or 'Song Name' line in the description to identify the song  in Youtube video.

Pretty easy, right?

If this trick doesn’t solve your query then move on to the next best easiest way to identify a song in Youtube Video.

2.Check the Comments

If the Youtube video description has no information about the song used in a video then check out the comment section to find the song used in the videos.

Other visitors might have inquired about the name of the song in the comment section. In most cases, the creator or other people give answers.

Use ‘Ctrl + F’ to search the words like song name or lyrics.

If you don’t find any answers in the comment section then you can ask your query in the comments by yourself. You might get a reply from someone.

Recommended Read: How to Check if a Youtube Video and Youtube Channel is Monetized?

3. Use Google to Search the Lyrics

If you’re haven’t identify the song in a Youtube video by checking the video description and comment section then use the google search engine to identify the song.

The simplest way to do this is by typing the lyrics of the song in Google.

use lyrics search engines to identify the song in youtube video
Search the lyrics by typing them in the Google search bar

You can also find the song with Google voice search. When the music is playing, tap on the microphone icon in google ( Web or App). When the song is detected, you’ll see the song’s name in the results.

Use Google voice search to find the song in Youtube Video
Use Google voice search

iOS users can use Siri to identify the song in Youtube videos. This is the most handy solution for them.


Now, the question is:

What if google can’t help you identify the song in a Youtube video?

That leads us to our next method.

4. Use Lyrics Search Engines to Find Song in Youtube Video

There are many lyrics search engines that help you find the song by its lyrics exclusively.

Here are few resources you can try out:

  1. – It is a great lyrics resource site that provides the artist, song, album and other othet information of the song based on its lyrics.
  2. Find Music by Lyrics – This ia also a great lyrics serach engine that provides you results based on your lyrics search.

5. Use Youtube Video Link to Find the Song

This is my favourite method to identify a song in a Youtube video.

The tool is is a music recognition robot technology that let you identify a song within 2 seconds.

Use to find a song in Youtube video
Use to find the song in Youtube video

Simply, visit and paste the Youtube video URL in the given search bar.

It will identify the song.

6. Use a Song Identification App ( Android & iOS)

If the above-discussed methods failed, then the best way to recognise music in YouTube videos is by using phone apps that have music recognition technology.

There are lots of music recognition apps available.

These are some of the best free music recognition apps to identify any song in a YouTube video playing around you.

1. Shazam

Shazam is the best mobile app that recognizes music around you.

uSE SHAZAM app to find song used in the youtube video
Use Shazam App to find songs in Youtube videos.

Here’s how to use it:

  1. Assume that you’re watching a Youtube video on your laptop and want to know the music.
  2. Open the shazam app and click on shazam button.
  3. Within few seconds shazam will detect the music playing in the video and provides you details like song name, artist, title and lyrics.

Amazing, isn’t it?

2. Beatfind Music Recognition

Beatfind Music Recognition app is similar to Shazam. It also identifies the music around you and gives you details like title, artist etc. It is quite easy to use.

Both these apps can instantly recognize any song playing around you. These apps save you time and you don’t need to spend time browsing the internet by typing lyrics of the song.

7. Use AHA Music Identifier Chrome Extension

If you’re someone who often needs to identify the music in Youtube videos and use the computer to play videos then install an extension in your browser.

One of the best chrome extensions to identify songs in Youtube videos is the AHA Music chrome extension.

Use AHA Music Identifier Chrome Extension to find a song in Youtube Video
Install AHA Music chrome extension to identify songs in Youtube Videos

This is how it works:

  • Install AHA music extension in your browser.
  • While playing the Youtube video, click on AHA icon on the top left bar in your browser.
  • It will automatically recognize the song and gives you details about title, artist etc within your browser.

Frequenty Asked Questions

How to find a song in a Youtube video by using the video link/URL?

The best way to find a song used in the Youtube video by using the video link is by using the tool.

Which is the best app to find a song used in a Video?

The best app to identify the music used in a video is the Shazam app. It is available on both Android and iOS.


Does any of the above-discussed methods help you to identify a song in Youtube videos?

If you have questions related to the topic or you have another way to identify songs in Youtube videos then let us know in the comment section.

How to Identify a Song in YouTube Video? – 7 Quick Ways via @rupimavi
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